Sea Urchins
Sea Urchins are prickly animals that live at the rocky shore. There are lots of different kinds of sea urchins. The Maori name for sea urchin is Kina.
How sea urchins move.
They move with hundreds of little tubed feet. They move very slowly. Sea Urchins cannot swim and can only move across solid surfaces.
Where do they live.
Sea Urchins live in rock pools and deep water and on the sea floor.
What do they eat.
Sea Urchins eat a lot of things like algae, seaweed and carcasses of fish.
What eats them.
Sea otters tend to catch sea urchins and break off their spines. Some people eat them too.
Which sea do they live in.
Sea Urchins live all around the world but they like warm water better.
Why do they live at the rocky shore.
Sea Urchins live at the rocky shore because there are fewer predators there and also there is seaweed and algae to eat.
Sea Urchins are interesting creatures with spines that live at the rocky shore.
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